Friday, December 17, 2010


Each year at this time we make a book of holiday traditions in our classroom. Each child brings in a page with pictures and blurbs about their traditions. This got me thinking about our holiday traditions. There are certain traditions that the kids look forward to each year. Some are newer traditions and some are traditions that my husband and I have brought with us from our childhoods. Of course, we have the tree and the lights. Some of the other older traditions include and advent calender with the nativity scene and lighting an advent wreath at dinner each night. One of the newest traditions is the Elf on the Shelf. The kids won't even leave for school in the morning until they have found "Twinkle". We also fulfill gift requests from the giving tree at church. This is a tradition that the kids really enjoy and I like it that they are learning about giving as well as the reality that others are not as fortunate as they are. What are some of yoru family's traditions?

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